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ERISING saw its effort and dedication recognized by DGERT, being officially recognized and certified as a training entity.

As a way of commemorating this milestone, ERISING is promoting a free Production Management Training (Lean Six Sigma), with limited enrollment. This training will address tools and methodologies that allow companies to face the challenges resulting from the current situation in an effective way, reducing costs and increasing their productivity and competitiveness.

Useful information:

The training: In this training in Lean Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement you will get to know a little of the historical context and the principles on which it is governed. Let’s delve a little deeper into the 7 MUDAs (waste) and realize the potential applicability of some Lean tools.

The trainer: Diogo Jorge is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt (Manchester, UK) and a Master in Mechanical Engineering (IST, Lisbon PT). Functions currently performed: Co-founder and manager (Erising); Guest Lecturer (IST).

Company description: Erising’s core business is the realization of projects and training in Lean Six Sigma, its experience is multisectoral in the industry, and in geographical terms it has worked in mainland Portugal, but also in France and the USA.

Duration: 3 hours

Training location: Customer premises

Target audience: Operations management, production management, engineering teams, middle managers. Limited to 12 participants per organization.

To register your organization, simply fill in the form:

    Responsible for the company/department:

    Responsible for the internal organization of training::

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