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Industry Day 2023 at IST

Erising was present at IST’s Industry Day 2023, in an initiative promoted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering

At this event, Erising had the opportunity to establish important contacts and partnerships with some of the centers of the Instituto Superior Técnico, as well as discuss cooperation opportunities with several companies in the national industrial fabric.

The Industry Day of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEM) of Instituto Superior Técnico took place last October 31st in the Salão Nobre of Instituto Superior Técnico, bringing together teachers, researchers, students and companies from various sectors, with a view to boosting and facilitating future cooperation between the DEM and the business community.

In this 2nd edition, collaboration mechanisms were presented in funded projects, pitches from companies present with proposals for challenges, and pitches for master’s dissertations and doctoral theses that are candidates for prizes. DEM’s ability to respond to business challenges was also discussed, and, in round table mode, the challenges of Industry 5.0 were addressed: sustainability, resilience, human-centric.

Erising congratulates DEM for organizing this excellent event and to all the candidates for their excellent pitches and developments in the field of Engineering.

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