Intelligent Cloud Based System to promote Healthy and Safe Smart Industries
ERISING, MUVU and CATIM’s experiment was acepted in the Open Call of the EU-funded DIH4CPS project. This european project intends to create an interdisciplinary network of DIHs and solution providers that focus on CPSs and embedded systems, interweaving understanding and technologies from diverse territories, and to connect it with European experts. The project support European SMEs to overcome obstacles posed by innovative technology. The consortium will work on this experiment until August 2022.

The experiment aims to validate the integration of smart devices (camera and watches), advanced data processing algorithms and intuitive dashboards, i.e. a Cyber-Physical and embedded System (CPES) to monitor, feedback and improve two conflicting needs in manufacturing SMEs:
- The full respect of health and safety rules strengthen by COVID (personnel equipment use, safe distance, hygienic routines, etc.)
- The respect of optimized operators and materials movements, and operational and quality procedures.

Company and Production Area Selection
As this consortium aims to develop, implement, test, and validate CPES that retrieves information about the shopfloor operator behaviour, a production company was invited to participate in the AE tests. The consortium selected Silampos as a potential company to analyse the CPES requirements and to test technological solutions.
Silampos is a Portuguese SME, established in 1951 and located in Oliveira de Azeméis (north of Portugal), specialized in the production of stainless steel and aluminium cookware, and being the most important Portuguese company in the metallic cookware sector for residential and industrial use.
After presenting the project, and the activities involving Silampos, it was necessary to select and characterize the production area to study. Then, a diagnosis to the production efficiency performed by Erising, identified all operational procedures, production flow, materials and consumables needed, and other production input and output needs, not only related to the production efficiency, but also to the need of assuring COVID safety protocols.

Our Project Next Steps
After the diagnosis, the consortium is working on the CPS architecture and software and hardware specification. For the movement signal acquisition, it will be used an image acquisition camera, smart watches, smart buttons and different types of sensors.
Soon, our experiment will mitigate the risk of infection inside each manufacturing organization, guarantee the compliance of health and safety guidelines, while increasing the production efficiency and availability.
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Erase waste fostering rise
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